What My Clients and Workshop Attendees are saying
I love getting feedback from my clients. As a professional Clinical Canine Massage Therapist, I’m proud to have gained the trust of my valued clients and also given people the skills to apply some basic but powerful massage techniques to their own dogs. Read below what people have had to say.
Morning Claire, just thought you’d like to know that Brodie is much better today! We went for a gentle walk earlier and he didn’t hop or carry his leg at all, he even did a bit of gentle trotting 😊So pleased that you came last night – you have worked wonders on him….” Helen and Brodie
Helen & Brodie
Excellent service and brilliant results. Claire was kind, gentle and thorough. She listened to my description of problems and didn’t rush me. She spent time getting to know my Whippet, Lottie putting her and me at ease. Although the treatment involved identifying sore areas she never hurt Lottie. I would recommend her and definitely use her again.
Anne & Lottie
Colin (12 yrs old Collie) collapsed in the garden approximately 12 months ago and the vet wasn't able to diagnose the cause without an MRI scan. He was immobile for several months and I think the vet thought I would give up on him, however I persevered, giving him some intuitive massage and Colin regained some mobility. He also has arthritis in his hips. After 3 sessions with Claire he was able to manoeuvre much better over the doorstep and even managed to stand on his back legs to look over the garden wall at the cat next door and my mum and I looked at each other in disbelief!
Lucy & Colin
Bertie (6 yr old Miniature Poodle) competes in agility with some success (Grade 7) but he has a slight roaching of his back after exercise and even when he sits or lays. When Claire saw him she saw that he wouldn't relax his back legs when he was laid down and she explained this was because his gluteal muscles were tight. After 2 sessions I took Bertie training and he appeared to have much more power and speed in the hindquarters which was commented on by others.
Bertie is still roaching his back so Claire confirmed that I should refer him back to my vet, and she also suggested a more targeted approach on his abdominal muscles depending on the out come of further investigations.
Colette & Bertie
Thank you so much to Claire for treating our two today. It was amazing to watch, and anyone who may have doubts as to how effective Canine massage could be, should have seen Millie today. She was obviously so content and happy to be getting another session off Claire. Our whirlwind even fell asleep! Amazing!
Nicola & Millie
Hi. Just wanted to tell you that Lady was much better after her massage yesterday. She was more supple and moving well so we enjoyed a nice leisurely walk in Linacre woods today.
Carol & Lady
Just thought I would let you know that Poppet got up this morning without pain. The lack of pain meant that she got off the bed and immediately picked up a ball which she threw around the bedroom. Nice to see.
Maxine & Poppet
Amber had a lovely massage with Claire today. Amber is a 12-year-old king Charles who has spondylitis and arthritis. We can really see a difference - even my sceptical husband agrees!
Chris & Amber
Mollie is a very active dog and really picks up on energy, she also doesn’t or rather, didn’t like her legs being groomed and clipped. After the second session with Claire I clipped Mollies feet, she was so relaxed she even fell asleep!
Katarine & Mollie
Maisie and I have spent the day with Claire on the Beginners Guide to Canine Massage course.
Highly recommend you try a workshop like this if you are interested in the benefits of canine massage.
Claire had me engaged from the start. I have learned so much from bone and joint names to muscle names - not all 700 of them! The difference between strains and sprains and the different techniques and pressures that can be applied to a basic full body treatment that I can practice on my own dog.
Very informative, interesting and a good deal of hands on work throughout the day. Covid friendly too - we practised social distancing in the village hall along with being provided with our own hand gel, masks and gloves if we chose to use them.
Too marks for a fab day at school.
Lynne & Maisie
Hi Claire
Just wanted to say a huge thank you and congratulate you on a truly fascinating, instructional and enjoyable workshop today. Enzo clearly loved it and so did I. You were right to say that I’d be weary later but it’s a happy kind of tiredness, safe in the knowledge that I’ve spent such precious time with my furry friend and that I can now supplement a little the work that you do with him. I really can’t think of anything that I would change about it.